Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Craft Lesson for Buzz

Activity for Buzz

This activity is to help children learn high frequency words by making and writing the words.

You Need:
Buzz by Janet Wong
Magnetic whiteboard, chalkboard or chart with Velcro
Magnetic letters
Dry-erase markers or chalk
From Teaching Resources:
High frequency Word Cards.
Making Words Sheets (two per child)

Explain to the children that today you are going to help them learn some important words.
Place a high frequency word card (can, for example) on which ever board or chart you choose.
Build the word with magnetic letters or letter cards.
Ask the Children what they notice about the word.
Then write the word quickly from beginning to end without stopping. Explain that there are some words you need to know how to read quickly or write quickly.
Repeat this process with more high frequency words. Ask the children to assist you on some of the steps in making the words.
Show the children the Making Words Sheet. Explain that they should take a word card, place it in the first column, say it, make and mix the word with magnetic letters (or letter cards) three times in the second column. They place a check in the box each time they make it. Then they write the word in the last column.

Give the children a copy of the Making Words Sheet and word cards for the high frequency words used in the lesson.
Have the children complete the sheet as shown above, working alone or in pairs.

After the Activity Read the book Buzz to the children. Then have the children point out all the high frequency words as you go through the book again.

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